Name | Address | District | Status |
Its Time Foundation (-) | - Wollongong NSW | Other | Status Not Yet Set |
Naiviivi Primary School (1652) | Naiviivi Village Qamea Island Cakaudrove | Cakaudrove | Its Time INSTALLED |
Beqa Yanuca Secondary School (2601) | Raviravi Village Beqa Island | Suva | Its Time INSTALLED |
Rukua Raviravi Primary School (1723) | Raviravi Village Beqa Island | Suva | Its Time INSTALLED |
Malolo District School (1619) | Solevu Malolo Island | Nadroga-Navosa | Its Time INSTALLED |
Ratu Lalabalavu Secondary (2581) | Solevu Malolo Island | Nadroga-Navosa | Its Time INSTALLED |
Sawau District School (1727) | Dakuibeqa Village Beqa Island | Suva | Its Time INSTALLED |
Uluinakorovatu Primary (1749) | Naceva, Beqa Island | Suva | Its Time INSTALLED |
Yanuca Island School (2405) | . Yanuca Village Yanuca Island | Suva | Its Time INSTALLED |
South Taveuni High and Primary Schools (2573-1247) | South Taveuni South Taveuni Taveuni Island | Cakaudrove | Its Time INSTALLED |
Ratu Apenisa Memorial School (3038) | Soso Village Naviti Island | Lautoka-Nadi-Yasawa | Its Time INSTALLED |
Gaunavou Primary School (3070) | Gunu Village Naviti Island Yasawa Group | Lautoka-Nadi-Yasawa | Its Time INSTALLED |
Banaban School Rabi (1233) | Nuku Village Rabi Island Cakaudrove | Cakaudrove | Its Time INSTALLED |
Rabi High School (9256) | Tabiang Rabi Island | Cakaudrove | Its Time INSTALLED |
Bouma Primary School (1232) | Korovou Village Bouma Taveuni Island | Cakaudrove | Its Time INSTALLED |
Dawara Primary School (1206) | Dawara Village Vanua Levu | Cakaudrove | Its Time INSTALLED |
Kioa Island School (1249) | Salia Village Kioa Island | Cakaudrove | Its Time INSTALLED |
Lavena Primary School (2602) | Lavena Village Taveuni Island | Cakaudrove | Its Time INSTALLED |
Namamanuca Primary School (1758) | Namamanuca Yanuya Island | Nadroga-Navosa | Its Time INSTALLED |
Natusara Primary School (1327) | Ono Island Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time INSTALLED |
Navakawau Catholic School (1269) | Navakawau Taveuni Island | Cakaudrove | Its Time INSTALLED |
Navatu Secondary School (9744) | Nasinu Navatu Vanua Levu | Cakaudrove | Its Time INSTALLED |
Salialevu Primary School (1261) | Salialevu South Taveuni | Cakaudrove | Its Time INSTALLED |
Somolevu Catholic School (1024) | Somolevu Matacawalevu Island | Lautoka-Nadi-Yasawa | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
St Paul's Primary School (1234) | Naviavia Vanau Levu | Cakaudrove | Its Time INSTALLED |
Vuna District School (1225) | Kanacea Vuna Taveuni Island | Cakaudrove | Its Time INSTALLED |
Wainimakutu High & Primary Schools (1894-1786) | Wainimakutu Namosi Viti Levu | Suva | Its Time INSTALLED |
Ucunivatu Primary School (1267) | Viani Bay Vanua Levu | Cakaudrove | Its Time INSTALLED |
Navotua Primary School (1014) | Navotua Nacula Island | Lautoka-Nadi-Yasawa | Its Time INSTALLED |
Ratu Meli Primary & Yasawa North High (-) | Nacula Village Nacula Island | Lautoka-Nadi-Yasawa | Its Time INSTALLED |
Tabiang Primary School (1245) | Tabiang Village Rabi Island | Cakaudrove | Its Time INSTALLED |
Yasayasa Moala College (1444) | Naroi Moala Island Lau | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Cikobia Village School (1442) | Cikobia-I-Lau Vanua Balavu Island | Eastern | Its Time CONSIDERING |
Lamiti Malawai School (1525) | Lamiti Gau Lomaiviti | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Nacavanadi Village School (1541) | Nacavanadi Gau Lomaiviti | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Narocake District School (1517) | Southern tip of Gau Gau Lomaiviti | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Navukailagi District School (1524) | Navukailagi Gau Lomaiviti | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Nawaikama District School (1531) | Nawaikama Gau Lomaiviti | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Nukuloa Village School (1534) | Nukuloa Gau Lomaiviti | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Vanuaso District School (1521) | Vanuaso Gau Lomaiviti | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Vione Primary School (1547) | Vione Gau Lomaiviti | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Gau Secondary School (1539) | Navukailagi Gau Lomaiviti | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Sawaieke District School (1519) | - Sawaieke Gau Island | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Somosomo Gau Kindergarten (9960) | - Somosomo Gau | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Qalituigau Kindergarten (9953) | - Malawai Village Gau | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Batiki District School (1510) | Batiki Island Lomaiviti | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Nairai District School (1516) | Natauloa Village Nairai Island Lomaiviti | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Davetarua Primary School (1537) | Nairai Island Lomaiviti | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Waitoga Village School (1503) | Nairai Island Lomaiviti | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Maloku District School (1408) | Maloku Moala Lau | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Naroi District School (1404) | Naroi Moala Lau | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Uciwai District School (1411) | Keteira Moala Lau | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Cakova Village School (1451) | Cakova Moala Lau | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Davetalevu Primary School (1455) | Nasoki Moala Lau | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Vunuku Village School (1439) | Vunuku Moala Lau | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Yasana – I – Ra District School (1420) | Vadra Moala Lau | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Bukama Village School (1035) | Bukama Yasawa Island Yasawas | Lautoka-Nadi-Yasawa | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Bouwaqa Primary School (3071) | Teci Yasawa Island Yasawas | Lautoka-Nadi-Yasawa | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Naviti District School (1020) | Naviti Island Yasawas | Lautoka-Nadi-Yasawa | Status Not Yet Set |
Ratu Namasi Memorial School (1038) | Nabukeru Yasawa Island Yasawas | Lautoka-Nadi-Yasawa | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Ratu Naivalu Memorial School (1032) | Yalobi Waya Island Yasawas | Lautoka-Nadi-Yasawa | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Yasawa I Rara Infant School (1234) | Yasawa I Rara Yasawa Island Yasawas | Lautoka-Nadi-Yasawa | Its Time FOR SURVEY awaiting application |
Viwa District School (3040) | Naibalebale Viwa Island Yasawas | Lautoka-Nadi-Yasawa | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Yaqeta Village School (1036) | Yaqeta Island Yasawas | Lautoka-Nadi-Yasawa | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Namara Village School (3065) | Wayasewa Island Yasawas | Lautoka-Nadi-Yasawa | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Yasawa High School (9372) | Naviti Island Yasawas | Lautoka-Nadi-Yasawa | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Mana SDA Primary School (3082) | Mana Island Yasawas | Lautoka-Nadi-Yasawa | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Levuka Primary School (1317) | Nabukelevu Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Namara District School (1307) | Namara Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Tavuki District School (1312) | Tavuki Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Yawe District School (1324) | Kadavu Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY awaiting application |
Bulou Dolele Memorial School (1330) | Dravuwalu Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Dravuni Infants School (1333) | Dravuni Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY awaiting application |
Drue Village School (1319) | Drue Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Eliki Memorial School (1318) | Talaulia Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Kavala Bay Primary School (1302) | Kavala Bay Nakasaleka Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Muani Village School (1316) | Muani Village Tavuki Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Nabukelevu District School (1303) | Daviqele Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Nabukelevuira Primary (1303) | Nabukelevu Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Naceva District School (1304) | Soso Vukavu Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Nacomoto Primary School (3084) | Nacomoto Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Naivikadi Primary School (1325) | Gasele Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY awaiting application |
Nakasaleka District School (1321) | Nakasaleka Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY awaiting application |
Namalata Central School (1306) | Vunisea Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Naqara District School (1309) | Naqara Ono Island Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY awaiting application |
Nasegai District School (1308) | near Nasegai Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Ravitaki District School (1329) | Ravitaki Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Ratu Nacagilevu Memorial School (1301) | Near Mokoisa Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Ratu Varani Memorial School (1323) | near Koronikambu Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Richmond Methodist Primary School (1331) | Tavuki Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Richmond Methodist High School (9107) | Tavuki Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY awaiting application |
Tiliva District School (1320) | Tiliva, Nggalinimbeka Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY awaiting application |
Vabea District School (1314) | Ono Island Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Vacalea Primary School (1332) | Vacalea Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY awaiting application |
Vunisei District School (1313) | Vunisei Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Yale District School (1315) | Rakiraki Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY awaiting application |
Kadavu Provincial Secondary School (9113) | Vivundivundi Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Vunisea Secondary School (1310) | Tavuki Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Galoa Village School (1326) | Galoa Island Kadavu | Eastern | Its Time FOR SURVEY confirmed |
Buakonikai Primary School (1224) | Rabi Island | Cakaudrove | Its Time IN PROGRESS |
Testing School (101) | Ghatlodia Ahmedabad gujarat | Other | Its Time IN PROGRESS |
Naiviivi Primary School, on Qamea Island in the North East of Fiji, in 2023 has six teachers are providing classes for 135 students in classes ranging from years 1 to 8.The school 5KVA generator is used to power the school photocopying machine, laminating machine and for charging. Also, three of the teachers' homes draw power from the generator when it is running. Getting fuel to the island is costing almost as much as the fuel itself - the solar system is diverting significant funds to education as well as reducing carbon emissions. The school had two very small solar systems, each powering one room, but the lead acid batteries failed quite some time ago and the systems were not functional. Those batteries were removed and sent for recycling. Similarly the teachers' quarters/homes have small two panel systems and those batteries also have failed or are failing. All are now receiving reliable power from the new solar system.
Naiviivi Primary School
Annual school fuel saving (litres) (1)
Annual fuel saving 6 teachers' homes getting solar (litres) (2)
Annual cartage saving (litres) (3)
Total annual fuel saving (litres) (4)
Fuel saving over 30 years (litres)
Annual CO2 saving (kgs)
CO2 saving over 30 years (kgs)
Annual AUD saving (8)
Annual USD saving
Annual FJD saving
30 yrs AUD saving
30 yrs USD saving
30 yrs FJD saving
Total of All It's Time Solar Schools
Total annual school fuel saving (litres)
Total annual fuel saving 94 teachers' homes getting solar (litres)
Total annual cartage saving (litres)
Total annual fuel saving (litres) (4)
Total fuel saving over 30 years (litres)
Total annual CO2 saving (kgs)
Total CO2 saving over 30 years (kgs)
Total annual AUD saving (8)
Total annual USD saving
Total annual FJD saving
Total 30 yrs AUD saving
Total 30 yrs USD saving
Total 30 yrs FJD saving
Fuel cost in the islands in AUD/litre (5)
Fuel cartage consideration % (3)
Annual fuel consumption per teacher's home wired (litres) (2)
Annual generator maintenance consideration AUD (6)
CO2 produced per litre of fuel burned (kgs) (7)
AUD to USD conversion rate used
AUD to FJD conversion rate used
(1) This is the annual fuel consumption based on reporting from the school at the time of school survey and affirmed at the time of installation. It refers to direct fuel use by the school, not including teachers' homes.
(2) The fuel consumption of teachers' homes varies considerable between homes and over time. Their sources of energy varies from their own small generators to shared generators, still some use kerosene for lighting and some small solar (often failing) for lights and charging. Recently on Beqa Island two of the 7 households at one school were each using 10 litres of fuel per week and some were using very little. So, we have chosen the conservative underestimate of each household saving of 2 litres per week (approx. 5 kgs of CO2).
(3) Most schools have a cost to get fuel to the school - usually small boats and car/truck on the mainland. The costs vary from small amounts to some schools where the cartage cost is almost the same as the cost of the fuel itself. The cartage consideration (dollar and carbon cost) is a percentage of the total fuel consumption, because it varies widely from school to school we have chosen quite a conservative estimate.
(4) Includes cartage and teachers' home consumption estimate that therefore contribute to the total CO2 saving. But we do not include the teachers home in the financial saving - rather we just refer to the savings from the school generator.
(5) This is the current published diesel price in Fiji presented in AUD. Often the islands pay a higher price, but that is not factored in, so generally the price will be a small under estimation.
(6) Generators often require repairs and eventually replacement. That cost varies significantly from school to school, so a conservative value is applied to represent this component of cost/saving for all schools. It is not possible to calculate that accurately for every school, hence the estimate across all.
(7) Burning diesel produces CO2 at a rate of 2.68 kgs/litre, whereas petrol produces it at a rate of 2.31 kgs/litre. We have chosen 2.55 as the approximate for our calculations because there is more diesel used than petrol in the school generators.
(8) The fuel savings in the teachers' homes are not included in the calculation of financial savings for the school. Although teachers are asked to make a small contribution each term (FJD70) for their now 24-hour power and this goes to the school to buy more education resources.
Inverter type
Charge controller
Panel type
Number of panels
Array (watts)
Battery type
Number of batteries
Kilowatt hours
Batteries mounted
General electrical works
Considerable refurbishment of the wiring to the school and removal of old unsafe wiring. New wiring to the year 6/7 classroom and the kindy. Reticulated (300m) circuit to supply power to the 6 teachers' homes and added new wiring, LED lights and power points to the teachers' homes.4 amp breakers are installed into the teachers' homes - this limits appliances to less than 1000 watts (so no electric cook tops etc., but capacity to use modest sized electrical appliances). That power limiting strategy means effective use of a reasonably sized school solar system and all in the community are very happy to have this level of 24-hour power supply. Note the system has 3000 watts of panels powering the system at the moment - extra capacity is included in the array but on used due to issues with the original inverter that failed on arrival and the 3000W unit was installed. Therefore we retain the option to increase the inverter size in the future.
Solar contractor
General electric works constractor
First Name | Last Name | Position | Phone | FB | Note | Edited | |
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